The Judicial Greffe took on the role of administering appeals against planning and building decisions in 2015 so that your case is considered independently of the Department for Infrastructure and Environment (I&E). The system makes sure that everyone involved in an appeal has the chance to make their case. The I&E will be treated the same as any other party involved, and it must follow the same rules.

The Minister will not be involved in any initial decision. The first time the Minister will be asked to consider any details of the case is when the Inspector submit​s the report with recommendations.


Forms & Guidelines

Notice of Appeal Form

Enforcement Notice of Appeal Form

Brief Guide

Please scroll down for 2024 fee list for planning appeals and a list of current planning appeals. 

We can now also accept card payments for appeal fees.


Law & Regulations

Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002 (

Planning and Building (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2008 (

P Bridging Island Plan.pdf (


Current Planning Inspectors 2024

David Hainsworth LL.B(Hons) FRSA Solicitor

Philip Staddon BSc (Hons), Dip, MBA (Distinction), MRTPI

Sue Bell BSc (Hons), MSc (Distinction), CEcol, CEnv, CWEM, FCIEEM

Nigel McGurk BSc (Hons) MCD MBA MRTPI

Current Planning Appeals

  • ENF/2023/00004 - Field MY770
  • P/2023/1207 - L'Avarison
  • P/2023/0799 - Coppelia and the Fieldings
  • P/2023/0691 - Spion Kop Farm
  • P/2024/0217 & ENF/2024/00002 - Le Côtil de la Grève de Lecq
  • ENF/2024/00003 - Field L587
  • ENF/2024/00005 - Field L545
  • ENF/2024/00003/001 - Field L583
  • P/2023/0635 - Land Parcel rear of Royal Bank Court
  • P/2023/1356 - Millbrook Place
  • P/2023/1108 - Ville au Veslet Farm
  • ENF/2024/00007 - Les Perritons
  • P/2023/0305 - 1 Traders House
  • P/2023/0314 - 3-4 Centre Point
  • P/2023/1014 - 1 Castle View
  • P/2023/1023 - Handois Farm
  • S/2023/0989 - La Mare Vineyards
  • P/2023/1371 - Les Minquiers
  • P/2024/0216 - Captains Cabin
  • TR0248 - Trinity Grange (Listing)
  • P/2023/0843 - Field S409
  • P/2023/1289 - Constantia
  • P/2023/1291 - North Lynn Farm
  • P/2023/1135 - Rosedale Farm
  • P/2023/1164 - Rosedale Farm
  • P/2023/0853 - Les Ruettes
  • P/2023/1274 - Fisherman's Wharf
  • P/2023/1110 - St Quay
  • P/2023/0594 - 28-34 Hill Street
  • P/2024/0019 - The Barkley Club, Field MN494
  • P/2023/1055 - Field L11
  • ENF/2024/00013 - Field L720
  • P/2023/0723 - Le Cotil d'Argile
  • P/2024/0252 - Maison Alevag
  • P/2023/1282 - Dunvegan
  • P/2023/1361 - 14 Havre des Pas



All appeal fees are non-refundable once the appeal has been validated

Fees can be paid with a cheque/BACS or Bank card - please contact the registrars for more information

Appeal against refusal or deemed refusal of application for planning permission Article 108 (2) (b) and (c)  
* Major development £1,901
* Minor development £594.50


Appeal Against Grant of planning permission, Article 108 (2) (d) THIRD PARTY APPEAL



Appeal against imposition of condition or refusal to vary or remove condition, Article 108 (2) (d) £594.50



Appeal against the listing of a building or place, or refusal to remove a building or place from the list, Article 108 (2) (h) and (i)




Appeal against the listing of a tree or refusal to remove a tree from the list, Article 108 (2) (l)




Appeal against the service of a notice requiring action including an enforcement notice, Article 109




Appeal against the refusal to grant permission under building bye-laws, Article 108 (2) (g)




Appeal against a refusal to grant certificate of completion, Article 108 (2) (f)




Appeal against a refusal to grant permission to undertake operations to make change of use or undertake activities on, in or under a site of special interest, Article 108 (2) (j) and (k)



Appeal against a refusal to grant permission for the importation or use of a caravan, Article 108 (2) (n)




Appeal against the revocation or modification of any planning permission, Article 108 (2) (e)

